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UPDATED! Spirit Week - 10/28 - 10/31

UPDATED! Spirit Week - 10/28 - 10/31

Thank you for giving us feedback.  Parents, please note, we do not encourage romantic relationships at school.  Therefore, Tuesday is Twin Day.  Please if you have any further questions or concerns, reach out to a member of our administrative team.  


Spirit Week will take place next week.  Please join in the fun! 


Monday 10/28–Teacher/student swap

  • Teachers dress as students and Students dress as teachers

Tuesday 10/29- Twin Day!

  • Plan to dress as a twin with a friend

Wednesday 10/30 Y2k

  • Dress in early 2000s fashion

Thursday 10/31–Halloween

Wear your Halloween costume

  • No masks
  • No weapons
  • No dripping paint/blood


updated spirit week